Monday, 8 August 2011

Texas Holdem Dictionary of Terms: D

Donk- Used to describe a bad player, or a particularly foolish move played by someone who should know better.

Drawing- To call a bet with a hand that is unlikely to be winning but has the potential to improve with favourable cards on the turn or river.

Drawing Dead- When no remaining cards are available to put you hand in a winning position. You are comprehensively beaten.

Drawing Thin- A term used when a player has very few outs left with which to win a hand.

Deep- Poker terminology referring to the size of a person’s stack. Deep stack meaning a plentiful amount of chips with which to play the game.

Dolly Parton- Poker slang for the hand 9 5 of any suit in reference to the 1980’s movie 9 to 5.

Dominated- Dominated is the term used when one hand is a significant underdog to another in heads up poker.

Double Barrel- Double barrel refers to the act of following up a continuation bet with another bet in the subsequent round to make a bluff seem more believable.

Ducks- A pair of twos.


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