Face Card- A jack, Queen or King card of any suit.
Fade- Fade or fade outs is a poker term to describe when a player has to avoid many outs in order to win a poker hand.
Family Pot- A family pot is one in which many or all of the players are involved in the hand of poker therefore contributing to the pot.
Fast- Playing fast is poker slang for playing a particular hand of poker very aggressively, quite the opposite of slow play.
FFS- Is the acronym used around poker tables to avoid abusive language standing for “FOR F**** SAKE. Words that we have all mutter after a bad beat at the poker table.
Fill Up- A slang term used to describe when a player holding two pair before a card hits the poker table giving the player a full house.
Fish- Fish is the term giving to new or inexperienced players.
Float- Floating is when a poker player calls a bet with no hand in an attempt to bluff his way to winning the hand.
Floorman- Floorman is a card room employee responsible for managing the tables and enforcing the game rules.
Flop- The flop is the first three community cards to be laid down on the table.
Flop a Set- To flop a set is to make 3 of kind when the first three community cards are laid down.
Flush- A flush is a hand made up of 5 cards, all of the same suit. A great hand.
Fold Equity- Fold equity comes into to play when there is a short stack in a game. It is based on the probability that an opponent will fold if a player moves all in.
Forced Bet- Forced bets are the blinds and antes that players must contribute in order to continue playing the game.
Four of a Kind- A golden hand referring to when a player has hold all four cards of the same value. Eg 4,4,4,4.
Four to a Straight- Four to a flush refers to when a player has four connected cards requiring one more card to make a straight.
FPP- Referring to frequent player points which are awarded to players on Pokerstars for amount of time played or rake deposited.
Free Card- A free card is one that gets seen by all those players in the hand after everyone has checked and no betting has occurred.
Freeroll- Freeroll refers to a poker tournament that is free to enter requiring no stake.
Full Barn- Slang for the hand Full House.
Full House- A full house is one of the best hands in poker made up of one pair and a three of a kind.
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